Dataset: Tsunami Model Output/Hawaii: Hawaii Island: South Hawaii Probable Maximum Tsunami (PMT)/Inundation/NEOWAVE Regional Tsunami Model: South Hawaii PMT: Hawaii: Hawaii Island: South Point
Data format: netCDF
Data type: GRID
Naming Authority: org.pacioos
ID: neowave_shawaiipmt_spoint
summary: Non-hydrostatic Evolution of Ocean WAVEs (NEOWAVE) regional tsunami model for the southern point of Hawaii Island in the State of Hawaii, stretching from beyond Kailikii Beach in the west to Kau Forest Reserve in the east and including South Point Park and Mahana Bay. Provides a nearshore hazard map of inundation based on the South Hawaii Probable Maximum Tsunami (PMT) scenario. Data are gridded at approximately 30-m resolution referenced to the WGS84 coordinate system and use a vertical datum of mean sea level (MSL). This shock-capturing, dispersive wave model computes tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation for complex flow patterns in shelf and reef environments. It has been validated with analytical, laboratory, and field benchmarks and is approved by the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program. These hazard maps cover tsunamis only; other potential hazards such as wind waves and swells would be additive to the inundation described by these data.
rights: These model data were generated as part of an academic research project, and the principal investigator, Kwok Fai Cheung (, asks to be informed of intent for scientific use and appropriate acknowledgment given in any publications arising therefrom. The data are provided free of charge, without warranty of any kind.
funding: The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is a Regional Association within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). PacIOOS is coordinated by the University of Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST).