summary: Marine heatwaves are modelled off their terrestrial namesakes and are prolonged periods of anomalously high sea surface temperature (SST). In effect, they are categorized SST anomalies. They are also a more general version of the Coral Reef Watch (CRW) daily global 5km coral bleaching "HotSpot" product. Rather than being aimed specifically at corals, however, they provide a more generalized description of marine heat stress that is likely applicable to a broader range of marine life. This daily global 5km-resolution Marine Heatwave Watch (MHW) product is derived by applying the marine heatwave algorithm of Hobday et al. (2018) to the daily global 5km "CoralTemp" SST data product. CoralTemp is one of the best and most internally consistent daily global 5km SST products available, which allowed for the creation of an accurate climatology. This enabled the derivation of an accurate, consistent MHW product (comprised of near real-time and historic components), stretching back over three decades. Provides the most recent 3 years of data only; for the full time series, see PacIOOS ERDDAP instead.
rights: Proper credit and citation to NOAA Coral Reef Watch are requested when using these data.