Dataset: Distance to Nearest Coastline/0.01-Degree Grid/Distance to Nearest Coastline: 0.01-Degree Grid: Land
Data format: netCDF
Data type: GRID
Naming Authority: org.pacioos
ID: dist2coast_1deg_land
summary: A global data set of land distances from the nearest coastline. NASA's Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) generated this data set using the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) software package. Distances were computed with GMT using its intermediate-resolution coastline and then gridded globally at a spatial resolution of 0.04 degrees. Bilinear interpolation was then applied to increase the spatial resolution to 0.01 degrees. There is an uncertainty of up to 1 km in the computed distance at any given point.
rights: These data are provided by NASA for research purposes. The data are provided free of charge, without warranty of any kind.
funding: The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) is funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a Regional Association within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). PacIOOS is coordinated by the University of Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST).