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ERDDAP > wms > neowave_agat_marina

Dataset Title:  NEOWAVE Regional Tsunami Model: Guam: Agat Marina Subscribe RSS
Institution:  Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)   (Dataset ID: neowave_agat_marina)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form | Make a graph

This web page is using Leaflet (external link) to display maps which are created on-the-fly by ERDDAP's Web Map Server (WMS) version 1.3.0.
The control on the left of the map lets you zoom in (+) or out (-).
The control on the right manages the layers.
You can select different values for the data variable's dimension(s): (none for this dataset)

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What is WMS?

ERDDAP's Web Map Service (WMS) lets you request an image with data plotted on a map. WMS (external link) is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (external link) and ISO (19128) (external link) standard for "the creation and display of registered and superimposed map-like views of information that come simultaneously from multiple remote and heterogeneous sources." See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.

Three Ways to Make Maps with WMS

  1. In theory, anyone can download, install, and use WMS client software.
    Some clients are: ArcGIS (external link) and uDig (external link). To make a client work, you would install the software on your computer. Then, you would enter the URL of the WMS service into the client. For example, in ArcGIS (not yet fully working because it doesn't handle time!), use
    "Arc Catalog : Add Service : Arc Catalog Servers Folder : GIS Servers : Add WMS Server". In ERDDAP, this dataset has its own WMS service, which is located at
    (Some WMS client programs don't want the ? at the end of that URL.) See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.

    In practice, we haven't found any WMS clients that properly handle dimensions other than longitude and latitude (e.g., time), a feature which is specified by the WMS specification and which is utilized by most datasets in ERDDAP's WMS servers. You may find that using Make A Graph and selecting the .kml file type (an OGC standard) to load images into Google Earth (external link) provides a good (non-WMS) map client. See the list of datasets with Make A Graph at this ERDDAP installation.

  2. Web page authors can embed a WMS client in a web page.
    For the map above, ERDDAP is using Leaflet (external link), which is a very versatile WMS client. Leaflet doesn't automatically deal with dimensions other than longitude and latitude (e.g., time), so you will have to write JavaScript (or other scripting code) to do that. (Adventurous JavaScript programmers can look at the Souce Code for this web page.) Another commonly used JavaScript WMS client is OpenLayers (external link).
  3. A person with a browser or a computer program can generate special WMS URLs.
    For example, See the list of datasets available via WMS at this ERDDAP installation.
    For more information about generating WMS URLs, see ERDDAP's WMS Documentation .

    In practice, it is easier, more versatile, and more efficient to use this dataset's Make A Graph web page than to use WMS for this purpose. See the list of datasets with Make A Graph at this ERDDAP installation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.25_1
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