Easier access to scientific data
Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL _NCProperties String version=2,netcdf=4.6.3,hdf5=1.10.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL acknowledgement String This weather station is owned and operated by the Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF). The original deployment and maintenance of the station was funded by the David and Lucille Packard Foundation for 8 years, with government permission by Koror State. The Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) is funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) as a Regional Association within the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS). PacIOOS is coordinated by the University of Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST).
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_timeseries_variables String station_name, longitude, latitude, altitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL citation String Citation to be used in publications should follow the form: \"PacIOOS. [year-of-data-download], [Title], [Data access URL], accessed [date-of-access].\"
attribute NC_GLOBAL comment String Data produced by Sharon Patris (
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_email String crrfpalau at
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_institution String Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF)
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_role String originator
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL contributor_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3, IOOS-1.2
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_email String crrfpalau at
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_institution String Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF)
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String Sharon Patris
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_type String person
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_center String Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL data_center_email String info at
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_created String 2007-03-01
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_issued String 2015-08-13
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_metadata_modified String 2022-11-14
attribute NC_GLOBAL date_modified String 2022-11-14
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultDataQuery String time,air_temperature,buoy_air_temperature,photosynthetic_radiation,rainfall_amount,relative_humidity_max,shortwave_radiation,wind_from_direction,wind_speed,&time>=max(time)-3days
attribute NC_GLOBAL defaultGraphQuery String time,air_temperature&time>=max(time)-3days&.draw=lines
attribute NC_GLOBAL distribution_statement String PacIOOS data may be re-used, provided that related metadata explaining the data have been reviewed by the user, and that the data are appropriately acknowledged. Data, products and services from PacIOOS are provided \"as is\" without and warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 132.371
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String TimeSeries
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds String POINT Z (7.20915 132.371 42.7)
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_crs String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs String EPSG:5829
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 7.20915
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double 7.20915
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_resolution float 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 132.371
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double 132.371
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_resolution float 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 42.7
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 42.7
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String up
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_resolution float 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_epsg_code String EPSG:4326
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_inverse_flattening float 298.25723
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_long_name String coordinate reference system
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_name String latitude_longitude
attribute NC_GLOBAL grid_mapping_semi_major_axis float 6378137.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL gts_ingest String false
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String 2015-03-01T00:00:00Z CRRF (L. Colin) supplied 2007-2015 data to PacIOOS as Excel and PacIOOS converted to NetCDF.\n2015-08-13T00:00:00Z NetCDF format converted to CF-1.6 discrete geometry (DSG).\n2020-01-03T00:00:00Z NetCDF format modified to match NCEI_NetCDF_TimeSeries_Incomplete_Template_v2.0.\n2021-03-08T00:00:00Z NetCDF variables station_name, platform1, instrument1, and crs converted from int to string and now contain respective data values.\n2022-11-14T12:16:00Z Dataset identifier modified from \"AWS-CRRF\" to \"aws_crrf\" to satisfy future ERDDAP requirements.
attribute NC_GLOBAL id String aws_crrf
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF)
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument String Earth Remote Sensing Instruments > Passive Remote Sensing > Thermal/Radiation Detectors > > Pyranometers, In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Current/Wind Meters > > Anemometers, In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Gauges > > Rain Gauges, In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Radiation Sensors > > > Licor Quantum Sensor, In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Temperature/Humidity Sensors > > > Humidity Sensors, In Situ/Laboratory Instruments > Temperature/Humidity Sensors > > > Temperature Sensors
attribute NC_GLOBAL instrument_vocabulary String GCMD Instrument Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL ioos_ingest String true
attribute NC_GLOBAL ISO_Topic_Categories String climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Radiation > Shortwave Radiation, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Temperature > Surface Temperature > Air Temperature, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds > Wind Speed/Wind Direction, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Precipitation, Earth Science > Biosphere > Vegetation > Photosynthetically Active Radiation
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data Contributor, University of Hawaii, PacIOOS, NOAA, State of Hawaii nor the United States Government, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness, of this information.
attribute NC_GLOBAL local_time_zone int 9
attribute NC_GLOBAL locations String Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Western Pacific Ocean > Palau > Koror, Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Western Pacific Ocean > Palau > Mecherchar, Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Western Pacific Ocean > Palau > Ngeanges, Ocean > Pacific Ocean > Western Pacific Ocean > Palau > Rock Islands
attribute NC_GLOBAL locations_vocabulary String GCMD Location Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL metadata_link String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL naming_authority String org.pacioos
attribute NC_GLOBAL ncei_template_version String NCEI_NetCDF_TimeSeries_Incomplete_Template_v2.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 7.20915
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform String In Situ Land-based Platforms > Weather Stations/Networks > Weather Stations
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_code String aws_crrf
attribute NC_GLOBAL platform_vocabulary String GCMD Platform Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL processing_level String near real-time (nrt) and possibly delayed mode (dm)
attribute NC_GLOBAL product_version String 1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL program String Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL project String Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_email String info at
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_institution String Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_name String Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_type String institution
attribute NC_GLOBAL publisher_url String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL references String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sea_name String Northwest Pacific Ocean (limit-180)
attribute NC_GLOBAL source String automatic weather station (AWS)
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (external link)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double 7.20915
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF Standard Name Table v71
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String Since 2007, the Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF) has operated a Campbell Scientific automatic weather station (AWS) in Palau designed to measure meteorological/atmospheric conditions relevant to Koror State's Rock Islands Southern Lagoon, a World Heritage Site. With little flat land in the Rock Islands, the weather station is located on a 40-ft tower situated on a karst ridge on Ngeanges Island at 100 ft elevation, about 5.4 km (3.5 mi) from CRRF's study site at Jellyfish Lake. It measures a suite of atmospheric conditions for comparison with CRRF's temporary, floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake, and provides vital data for studying how local weather conditions and ENSO events affect the marine lake environment.
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2015-02-28T14:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_resolution String PT1H
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 2007-03-01T06:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String CRRF Weather Station: Palau: Koror: Ngeanges Island
attribute NC_GLOBAL uuid String org.pacioos.aws_crrf
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double 132.371
variable time double
attribute time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double 1.1727288E9, 1.425132E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time calendar String julian
attribute time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String Time
attribute time short_name String time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable latitude float
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude actual_range float 7.20915, 7.20915
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude comment String instrument is in fixed location
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude short_name String lat
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
attribute latitude valid_range float 7.20915, 7.20915
variable longitude float
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude actual_range float 132.371, 132.371
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude comment String instrument is in fixed location
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude short_name String lon
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
attribute longitude valid_range float 132.371, 132.371
variable altitude float
attribute altitude _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute altitude _CoordinateZisPositive String up
attribute altitude actual_range float 42.7, 42.7
attribute altitude axis String Z
attribute altitude comment String instrument is in fixed location
attribute altitude ioos_category String Location
attribute altitude long_name String Distance above mean sea level
attribute altitude positive String up
attribute altitude short_name String altitude
attribute altitude standard_name String altitude
attribute altitude units String m
attribute altitude valid_range float 42.7, 42.7
variable station_name String
attribute station_name cf_role String timeseries_id
attribute station_name ioos_category String Identifier
attribute station_name long_name String station
attribute station_name short_name String station
variable air_temperature float
attribute air_temperature _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute air_temperature _FillValue float -999.0
attribute air_temperature actual_range float 22.13, 32.65
attribute air_temperature ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute air_temperature cell_methods String time: mean longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute air_temperature coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute air_temperature coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute air_temperature grid_mapping String crs
attribute air_temperature instrument String instrument1
attribute air_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature long_name String air temperature
attribute air_temperature ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute air_temperature observation_type String measured
attribute air_temperature platform String platform1
attribute air_temperature short_name String temperature
attribute air_temperature standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temperature units String Celsius
attribute air_temperature valid_range float 0.0, 50.0
variable air_temperature_max float
attribute air_temperature_max _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute air_temperature_max _FillValue float -999.0
attribute air_temperature_max actual_range float 22.86, 33.37
attribute air_temperature_max ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute air_temperature_max cell_methods String time: maximum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute air_temperature_max coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute air_temperature_max coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute air_temperature_max grid_mapping String crs
attribute air_temperature_max instrument String instrument1
attribute air_temperature_max ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature_max long_name String maximum air temperature
attribute air_temperature_max ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute air_temperature_max observation_type String measured
attribute air_temperature_max platform String platform1
attribute air_temperature_max short_name String max temperature
attribute air_temperature_max standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temperature_max units String Celsius
attribute air_temperature_max valid_range float 0.0, 50.0
variable air_temperature_max_time double
attribute air_temperature_max_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute air_temperature_max_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute air_temperature_max_time actual_range double 1.34320152E9, 1.425130448E9
attribute air_temperature_max_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute air_temperature_max_time axis String T
attribute air_temperature_max_time calendar String julian
attribute air_temperature_max_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute air_temperature_max_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute air_temperature_max_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute air_temperature_max_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute air_temperature_max_time instrument String instrument1
attribute air_temperature_max_time ioos_category String Time
attribute air_temperature_max_time long_name String maximum air temperature: observation time
attribute air_temperature_max_time platform String platform1
attribute air_temperature_max_time short_name String max temperature time
attribute air_temperature_max_time standard_name String time
attribute air_temperature_max_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute air_temperature_max_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable air_temperature_min float
attribute air_temperature_min _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute air_temperature_min _FillValue float -999.0
attribute air_temperature_min actual_range float 22.08, 31.91
attribute air_temperature_min ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute air_temperature_min cell_methods String time: minimum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute air_temperature_min coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute air_temperature_min coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute air_temperature_min grid_mapping String crs
attribute air_temperature_min instrument String instrument1
attribute air_temperature_min ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature_min long_name String minimum air temperature
attribute air_temperature_min ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute air_temperature_min observation_type String measured
attribute air_temperature_min platform String platform1
attribute air_temperature_min short_name String min temperature
attribute air_temperature_min standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temperature_min units String Celsius
attribute air_temperature_min valid_range float 0.0, 50.0
variable air_temperature_min_time double
attribute air_temperature_min_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute air_temperature_min_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute air_temperature_min_time actual_range double 1.343203088E9, 1.42512864E9
attribute air_temperature_min_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute air_temperature_min_time axis String T
attribute air_temperature_min_time calendar String julian
attribute air_temperature_min_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute air_temperature_min_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute air_temperature_min_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute air_temperature_min_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute air_temperature_min_time instrument String instrument1
attribute air_temperature_min_time ioos_category String Time
attribute air_temperature_min_time long_name String minimum air temperature: observation time
attribute air_temperature_min_time platform String platform1
attribute air_temperature_min_time short_name String min temperature time
attribute air_temperature_min_time standard_name String time
attribute air_temperature_min_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute air_temperature_min_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable air_temperature_std float
attribute air_temperature_std _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute air_temperature_std _FillValue float -999.0
attribute air_temperature_std actual_range float 0.005, 2.409
attribute air_temperature_std ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute air_temperature_std cell_methods String time: standard_deviation longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute air_temperature_std coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute air_temperature_std coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute air_temperature_std grid_mapping String crs
attribute air_temperature_std instrument String instrument1
attribute air_temperature_std ioos_category String Temperature
attribute air_temperature_std long_name String air temperature standard deviation
attribute air_temperature_std ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute air_temperature_std observation_type String computed
attribute air_temperature_std platform String platform1
attribute air_temperature_std short_name String temperature std
attribute air_temperature_std standard_name String air_temperature
attribute air_temperature_std units String Celsius
attribute air_temperature_std valid_range float 0.0, 10.0
variable wind_speed float
attribute wind_speed _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_speed _FillValue float -999.0
attribute wind_speed actual_range float 0.0, 25.63
attribute wind_speed ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_speed cell_methods String time: mean longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_speed coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_speed coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute wind_speed grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_speed instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_speed ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed long_name String wind speed
attribute wind_speed ncei_name String WIND SPEED
attribute wind_speed observation_type String measured
attribute wind_speed platform String platform1
attribute wind_speed short_name String wind speed
attribute wind_speed standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed units String m/s
attribute wind_speed valid_range float 0.0, 120.0
variable wind_speed_max float
attribute wind_speed_max _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_speed_max _FillValue float -999.0
attribute wind_speed_max actual_range float 0.0, 37.68
attribute wind_speed_max ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_speed_max cell_methods String time: maximum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_speed_max coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_speed_max coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute wind_speed_max grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_speed_max instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_speed_max ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_max long_name String gust speed
attribute wind_speed_max ncei_name String WIND SPEED
attribute wind_speed_max observation_type String measured
attribute wind_speed_max platform String platform1
attribute wind_speed_max short_name String gust speed
attribute wind_speed_max standard_name String wind_speed_of_gust
attribute wind_speed_max units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_max valid_range float 0.0, 120.0
variable wind_speed_max_time double
attribute wind_speed_max_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_speed_max_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute wind_speed_max_time actual_range double 1.208401196E9, 1.425129136E9
attribute wind_speed_max_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_speed_max_time axis String T
attribute wind_speed_max_time calendar String julian
attribute wind_speed_max_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_speed_max_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_speed_max_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute wind_speed_max_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_speed_max_time instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_speed_max_time ioos_category String Time
attribute wind_speed_max_time long_name String gust speed: observation time
attribute wind_speed_max_time platform String platform1
attribute wind_speed_max_time short_name String gust speed time
attribute wind_speed_max_time standard_name String time
attribute wind_speed_max_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute wind_speed_max_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable wind_speed_min float
attribute wind_speed_min _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_speed_min _FillValue float -999.0
attribute wind_speed_min actual_range float 0.0, 17.08
attribute wind_speed_min ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_speed_min cell_methods String time: minimum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_speed_min coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_speed_min coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute wind_speed_min grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_speed_min instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_speed_min ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_min long_name String minimum wind speed
attribute wind_speed_min ncei_name String WIND SPEED
attribute wind_speed_min observation_type String measured
attribute wind_speed_min platform String platform1
attribute wind_speed_min short_name String min wind speed
attribute wind_speed_min standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed_min units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_min valid_range float 0.0, 120.0
variable wind_speed_min_time double
attribute wind_speed_min_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_speed_min_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute wind_speed_min_time actual_range double 1.208401192E9, 1.425129984E9
attribute wind_speed_min_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_speed_min_time axis String T
attribute wind_speed_min_time calendar String julian
attribute wind_speed_min_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_speed_min_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_speed_min_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute wind_speed_min_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_speed_min_time instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_speed_min_time ioos_category String Time
attribute wind_speed_min_time long_name String minimum wind speed: observation time
attribute wind_speed_min_time platform String platform1
attribute wind_speed_min_time short_name String min wind speed time
attribute wind_speed_min_time standard_name String time
attribute wind_speed_min_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute wind_speed_min_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable wind_speed_std float
attribute wind_speed_std _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_speed_std _FillValue float -999.0
attribute wind_speed_std actual_range float 0.0, 21.95
attribute wind_speed_std ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_speed_std cell_methods String time: standard_deviation longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_speed_std coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_speed_std coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute wind_speed_std grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_speed_std instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_speed_std ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_std long_name String wind speed standard deviation
attribute wind_speed_std ncei_name String WIND SPEED
attribute wind_speed_std observation_type String computed
attribute wind_speed_std platform String platform1
attribute wind_speed_std short_name String wind speed std
attribute wind_speed_std standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed_std units String m/s
attribute wind_speed_std valid_range float 0.0, 120.0
variable wind_from_direction float
attribute wind_from_direction _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_from_direction _FillValue float -999.0
attribute wind_from_direction actual_range float 0.0, 360.0
attribute wind_from_direction ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_from_direction cell_methods String time: mean longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_from_direction coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_from_direction coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute wind_from_direction grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_from_direction instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_from_direction ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_from_direction long_name String wind direction
attribute wind_from_direction ncei_name String WIND DIRECTION
attribute wind_from_direction observation_type String measured
attribute wind_from_direction platform String platform1
attribute wind_from_direction short_name String wind direction
attribute wind_from_direction standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute wind_from_direction units String degrees
attribute wind_from_direction valid_range float 0.0, 360.0
variable wind_from_direction_std float
attribute wind_from_direction_std _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute wind_from_direction_std _FillValue float -999.0
attribute wind_from_direction_std actual_range float 0.0, 103.0
attribute wind_from_direction_std ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute wind_from_direction_std cell_methods String time: standard_deviation longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute wind_from_direction_std coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute wind_from_direction_std coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute wind_from_direction_std grid_mapping String crs
attribute wind_from_direction_std instrument String instrument1
attribute wind_from_direction_std ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_from_direction_std long_name String wind direction standard deviation
attribute wind_from_direction_std observation_type String computed
attribute wind_from_direction_std platform String platform1
attribute wind_from_direction_std short_name String sigma theta
attribute wind_from_direction_std units String degrees
attribute wind_from_direction_std valid_range float 0.0, 180.0
variable rainfall_amount float
attribute rainfall_amount _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute rainfall_amount _FillValue float -999.0
attribute rainfall_amount actual_range float 0.0, 83.1
attribute rainfall_amount ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute rainfall_amount cell_methods String time: sum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute rainfall_amount coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute rainfall_amount coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute rainfall_amount grid_mapping String crs
attribute rainfall_amount instrument String instrument1
attribute rainfall_amount ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute rainfall_amount long_name String total rainfall
attribute rainfall_amount ncei_name String PRECIPITATION AMOUNT
attribute rainfall_amount observation_type String measured
attribute rainfall_amount platform String platform1
attribute rainfall_amount short_name String rain
attribute rainfall_amount standard_name String rainfall_amount
attribute rainfall_amount units String mm
attribute rainfall_amount valid_range float 0.0, 400.0
variable relative_humidity_max float
attribute relative_humidity_max _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute relative_humidity_max _FillValue float -999.0
attribute relative_humidity_max actual_range float 55.7, 100.0
attribute relative_humidity_max ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute relative_humidity_max cell_methods String time: maximum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute relative_humidity_max coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute relative_humidity_max coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute relative_humidity_max grid_mapping String crs
attribute relative_humidity_max instrument String instrument1
attribute relative_humidity_max ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute relative_humidity_max long_name String maximum relative humidity
attribute relative_humidity_max ncei_name String RELATIVE HUMIDITY
attribute relative_humidity_max observation_type String measured
attribute relative_humidity_max platform String platform1
attribute relative_humidity_max short_name String humidity max
attribute relative_humidity_max standard_name String relative_humidity
attribute relative_humidity_max units String %
attribute relative_humidity_max valid_range float 0.0, 120.0
variable relative_humidity_max_time double
attribute relative_humidity_max_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute relative_humidity_max_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute relative_humidity_max_time actual_range double 1.17272828E9, 1.425128592E9
attribute relative_humidity_max_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute relative_humidity_max_time axis String T
attribute relative_humidity_max_time calendar String julian
attribute relative_humidity_max_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute relative_humidity_max_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute relative_humidity_max_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute relative_humidity_max_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute relative_humidity_max_time instrument String instrument1
attribute relative_humidity_max_time ioos_category String Time
attribute relative_humidity_max_time long_name String maximum relative humidity: observation time
attribute relative_humidity_max_time platform String platform1
attribute relative_humidity_max_time short_name String max humidity time
attribute relative_humidity_max_time standard_name String time
attribute relative_humidity_max_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute relative_humidity_max_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable relative_humidity_min float
attribute relative_humidity_min _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute relative_humidity_min _FillValue float -999.0
attribute relative_humidity_min actual_range float 46.58, 100.0
attribute relative_humidity_min ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute relative_humidity_min cell_methods String time: minimum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute relative_humidity_min coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute relative_humidity_min coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute relative_humidity_min grid_mapping String crs
attribute relative_humidity_min instrument String instrument1
attribute relative_humidity_min ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute relative_humidity_min long_name String minimum relative humidity
attribute relative_humidity_min ncei_name String RELATIVE HUMIDITY
attribute relative_humidity_min observation_type String measured
attribute relative_humidity_min platform String platform1
attribute relative_humidity_min short_name String humidity min
attribute relative_humidity_min standard_name String relative_humidity
attribute relative_humidity_min units String %
attribute relative_humidity_min valid_range float 0.0, 120.0
variable relative_humidity_min_time double
attribute relative_humidity_min_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute relative_humidity_min_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute relative_humidity_min_time actual_range double 1.172728615E9, 1.425130352E9
attribute relative_humidity_min_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute relative_humidity_min_time axis String T
attribute relative_humidity_min_time calendar String julian
attribute relative_humidity_min_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute relative_humidity_min_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute relative_humidity_min_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute relative_humidity_min_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute relative_humidity_min_time instrument String instrument1
attribute relative_humidity_min_time ioos_category String Time
attribute relative_humidity_min_time long_name String minimum relative humidity: observation time
attribute relative_humidity_min_time platform String platform1
attribute relative_humidity_min_time short_name String min humidity time
attribute relative_humidity_min_time standard_name String time
attribute relative_humidity_min_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute relative_humidity_min_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable shortwave_radiation float
attribute shortwave_radiation _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation _FillValue float -999.0
attribute shortwave_radiation actual_range float 0.0, 1112.0
attribute shortwave_radiation ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation cell_methods String time: mean longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute shortwave_radiation grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute shortwave_radiation long_name String downwelling shortwave radiation
attribute shortwave_radiation ncei_name String SHORTWAVE IRRADIANCE
attribute shortwave_radiation observation_type String measured
attribute shortwave_radiation platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation short_name String shortwave radiation
attribute shortwave_radiation standard_name String downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
attribute shortwave_radiation units String W/m2
attribute shortwave_radiation valid_range float 0.0, 1200.0
variable shortwave_radiation_max float
attribute shortwave_radiation_max _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max _FillValue float -999.0
attribute shortwave_radiation_max actual_range float 0.0, 1579.0
attribute shortwave_radiation_max ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max cell_methods String time: maximum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation_max coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation_max coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute shortwave_radiation_max grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation_max instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute shortwave_radiation_max long_name String maximum downwelling shortwave radiation
attribute shortwave_radiation_max ncei_name String SHORTWAVE IRRADIANCE
attribute shortwave_radiation_max observation_type String measured
attribute shortwave_radiation_max platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max short_name String max shortwave radiation
attribute shortwave_radiation_max standard_name String downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
attribute shortwave_radiation_max units String W/m2
attribute shortwave_radiation_max valid_range float 0.0, 1200.0
variable shortwave_radiation_max_time double
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time actual_range double 1.21074884E9, 1.350306416E9
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time axis String T
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time calendar String julian
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time ioos_category String Time
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time long_name String maximum shortwave radiation: observation time
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time short_name String max shortwave radiation time
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time standard_name String time
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute shortwave_radiation_max_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable shortwave_radiation_min float
attribute shortwave_radiation_min _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min _FillValue float -999.0
attribute shortwave_radiation_min actual_range float 0.0, 1013.0
attribute shortwave_radiation_min ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min cell_methods String time: minimum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation_min coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation_min coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute shortwave_radiation_min grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation_min instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute shortwave_radiation_min long_name String minimum downwelling shortwave radiation
attribute shortwave_radiation_min ncei_name String SHORTWAVE IRRADIANCE
attribute shortwave_radiation_min observation_type String measured
attribute shortwave_radiation_min platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min short_name String min shortwave radiation
attribute shortwave_radiation_min standard_name String downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
attribute shortwave_radiation_min units String W/m2
attribute shortwave_radiation_min valid_range float 0.0, 1200.0
variable shortwave_radiation_min_time double
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time actual_range double 1.2107517E9, 1.350307712E9
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time axis String T
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time calendar String julian
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time ioos_category String Time
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time long_name String minimum shortwave radiation: observation time
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time short_name String min shortwave radiation time
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time standard_name String time
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute shortwave_radiation_min_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable shortwave_radiation_std float
attribute shortwave_radiation_std _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation_std _FillValue float -999.0
attribute shortwave_radiation_std actual_range float 0.0, 471.3
attribute shortwave_radiation_std ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_std cell_methods String time: standard_deviation longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation_std coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation_std coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute shortwave_radiation_std grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation_std instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation_std ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute shortwave_radiation_std long_name String downwelling shortwave radiation stdev
attribute shortwave_radiation_std ncei_name String SHORTWAVE IRRADIANCE
attribute shortwave_radiation_std observation_type String computed
attribute shortwave_radiation_std platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_std short_name String shortwave radiation std
attribute shortwave_radiation_std standard_name String downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
attribute shortwave_radiation_std units String W/m2
attribute shortwave_radiation_std valid_range float 0.0, 1200.0
variable shortwave_radiation_sum float
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum _FillValue float -999.0
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum actual_range float 0.0, 4004.716
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum cell_methods String time: sum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum grid_mapping String crs
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum instrument String instrument1
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum long_name String downwelling shortwave radiation sum
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum ncei_name String SHORTWAVE IRRADIANCE
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum observation_type String computed
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum platform String platform1
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum short_name String shortwave radiation sum
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum standard_name String downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum units String kJ/m2
attribute shortwave_radiation_sum valid_range float 0.0, 1200.0
variable photosynthetic_radiation float
attribute photosynthetic_radiation _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation _FillValue float -999.0
attribute photosynthetic_radiation actual_range float 0.0, 2318.381
attribute photosynthetic_radiation ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation cell_methods String time: mean longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute photosynthetic_radiation coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute photosynthetic_radiation coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute photosynthetic_radiation grid_mapping String crs
attribute photosynthetic_radiation instrument String instrument1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute photosynthetic_radiation long_name String photosynthetically active radiation
attribute photosynthetic_radiation ncei_name String PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION (PAR)
attribute photosynthetic_radiation observation_type String measured
attribute photosynthetic_radiation platform String platform1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation short_name String PAR
attribute photosynthetic_radiation standard_name String surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air
attribute photosynthetic_radiation units String umol m-2 s-1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation valid_range float 0.0, 3000.0
variable photosynthetic_radiation_std float
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std _FillValue float -999.0
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std actual_range float 0.0, 6450.906
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std cell_methods String time: standard_deviation longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std grid_mapping String crs
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std instrument String instrument1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std long_name String photosynthetically active radiation stdev
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std ncei_name String PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION (PAR)
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std observation_type String computed
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std platform String platform1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std short_name String PAR std
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std standard_name String surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std units String umol m-2 s-1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_std valid_range float 0.0, 3000.0
variable photosynthetic_radiation_sum float
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum _FillValue float -999.0
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum actual_range float 0.0, 8725.071
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum cell_methods String time: sum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum grid_mapping String crs
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum instrument String instrument1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum ioos_category String Meteorology
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum long_name String photosynthetically active radiation sum
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum ncei_name String PHOTOSYNTHETIC ACTIVE RADIATION (PAR)
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum observation_type String computed
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum platform String platform1
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum short_name String PAR sum
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum standard_name String surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum units String mmol/m2
attribute photosynthetic_radiation_sum valid_range float 0.0, 10000.0
variable buoy_air_temperature float
attribute buoy_air_temperature _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute buoy_air_temperature _FillValue float -999.0
attribute buoy_air_temperature actual_range float 23.41, 31.145
attribute buoy_air_temperature ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature cell_methods String time: mean longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute buoy_air_temperature comment String This variable includes data for a floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake about 5.4 km from the onshore tower station. It is included here for time periods when air temperature is unavailable from the tower station.
attribute buoy_air_temperature coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute buoy_air_temperature coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute buoy_air_temperature grid_mapping String crs
attribute buoy_air_temperature instrument String instrument1
attribute buoy_air_temperature ioos_category String Temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature long_name String buoy air temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute buoy_air_temperature observation_type String measured
attribute buoy_air_temperature platform String platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature short_name String buoy temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature standard_name String air_temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature units String Celsius
attribute buoy_air_temperature valid_range float 0.0, 50.0
variable buoy_air_temperature_max float
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max _FillValue float -999.0
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max actual_range float 24.09, 32.2
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max cell_methods String time: maximum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max comment String This variable includes data for a floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake about 5.4 km from the onshore tower station. It is included here for time periods when air temperature is unavailable from the tower station.
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max grid_mapping String crs
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max instrument String instrument1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max ioos_category String Temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max long_name String maximum buoy air temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max observation_type String measured
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max platform String platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max short_name String max buoy temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max standard_name String air_temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max units String Celsius
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max valid_range float 0.0, 50.0
variable buoy_air_temperature_max_time double
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time actual_range double 1.277969032E9, 1.308084576E9
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time axis String T
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time calendar String julian
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time comment String This variable includes data for a floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake about 5.4 km from the onshore tower station. It is included here for time periods when air temperature is unavailable from the tower station.
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time instrument String instrument1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time ioos_category String Time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time long_name String maximum buoy air temperature: observation time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time platform String platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time short_name String max buoy temperature time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time standard_name String time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute buoy_air_temperature_max_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable buoy_air_temperature_min float
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min _FillValue float -999.0
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min actual_range float 23.04, 30.58
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min cell_methods String time: minimum longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min comment String This variable includes data for a floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake about 5.4 km from the onshore tower station. It is included here for time periods when air temperature is unavailable from the tower station.
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min grid_mapping String crs
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min instrument String instrument1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min ioos_category String Temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min long_name String minimum buoy air temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min observation_type String measured
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min platform String platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min short_name String min buoy temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min standard_name String air_temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min units String Celsius
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min valid_range float 0.0, 50.0
variable buoy_air_temperature_min_time double
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time actual_range double 1.277967832E9, 1.30808208E9
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time axis String T
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time calendar String julian
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time cell_methods String time: point longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time comment String This variable includes data for a floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake about 5.4 km from the onshore tower station. It is included here for time periods when air temperature is unavailable from the tower station.
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time coverage_content_type String coordinate
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time grid_mapping String crs
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time instrument String instrument1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time ioos_category String Time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time long_name String minimum buoy air temperature: observation time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time platform String platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time short_name String min buoy temperature time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time standard_name String time
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute buoy_air_temperature_min_time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable buoy_air_temperature_std float
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std _ChunkSizes uint 1, 1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std _FillValue float -999.0
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std actual_range float 0.0, 6.099
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std ancillary_variables String instrument1 platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std cell_methods String time: standard_deviation longitude: point latitude: point altitude: point
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std comment String This variable includes data for a floating weather station located on a tripod in Jellyfish Lake about 5.4 km from the onshore tower station. It is included here for time periods when air temperature is unavailable from the tower station.
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std coordinates String time latitude longitude altitude
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std coverage_content_type String physicalMeasurement
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std grid_mapping String crs
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std instrument String instrument1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std ioos_category String Temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std long_name String buoy air temperature standard deviation
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std ncei_name String AIR TEMPERATURE
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std observation_type String computed
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std platform String platform1
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std short_name String buoy temperature std
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std standard_name String air_temperature
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std units String Celsius
attribute buoy_air_temperature_std valid_range float 0.0, 10.0
variable platform1 String
attribute platform1 long_name String platform
attribute platform1 ncei_code String 32FS
attribute platform1 short_name String platform
variable instrument1 String
attribute instrument1 long_name String instrument
attribute instrument1 make_model String see data value
variable crs String
attribute crs epsg_code String EPSG:4326
attribute crs grid_mapping_name String latitude_longitude
attribute crs inverse_flattening float 298.25723
attribute crs long_name String coordinate reference system
attribute crs semi_major_axis float 6378137.0

ERDDAP, Version 2.25_1
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