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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID Hawaii Clean Water Branch (CWB) Beach Water Quality Data Exposure to sewage contaminated recreational waters may cause gastrointestinal illnesses in swimmers. The State of Hawaii Department of Health (HIDOH) Clean Water Branch (CWB) monitors the waters of Hawaii's beaches for concentrations of Enterococcus, which acts as an indicator of pathogens. The CWB also uses Clostridium perfringens as a secondary tracer of sewage contamination. Results of this monitoring are evaluated using a decision rule to determine whether a beach is safe (\"Compliant\") or not safe (on \"Alert\") for swimming and other water contact activities. If a beach is found to be on \"Alert\" due to elevated indicator bacteria levels, the CWB issues public warnings and alerts and determines whether resampling of the area is necessary.\n\nUnder the U.S. BEACH Act, the State of Hawaii receives an annual grant to implement its beach monitoring program. This requires the State to conduct a monitoring and notification program that is consistent with performance criteria published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2002. In March 2010, the EPA approved amendments to the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 11-54, Water Quality Standards (CWB QAPrgP, HIDOH 2011, Appendix D), which revised the previous State Enterococcus criteria of a geometric mean (GM) of 7 colony-forming units (CFU) per 100 mL and a single sample maximum (SSM) of 100 CFU/100 mL to meet current EPA guidelines. The State of Hawaii now uses the EPA recommended Enterococcus GM and SSM for recreational waters consistent in the 1986 Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria. The criterion lists the GM and SSM for marine waters as 35 CFU/100 mL and 104 CFU/100 mL, respectively.\n\nThe CWB utilizes Clostridium perfringens as a secondary tracer in addition to the Enterococcus indicator to help distinguish between sewage and non-sewage sources of elevated Enterococcus levels in marine coastal waters. The reliability of Enterococcus as an indicator organism in tropical environments has been questioned. This issue was formally documented in the report, Tropical Water Quality Indicator Workshop (Fujioka and Byappanahalli, 2003).\n\nOne of the limitations of all available and EPA-approved test methods is that the sample must be incubated for about 24 hours. As a result, the public finds out today when they shouldn't have gone in the water yesterday. As a result, warning signs on the beach may or may not be reflective of actual water quality because they are based on tests performed one or more days ago.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\n... (12 more variables)\n (external link) State of Hawaii Clean Water Branch (CWB) cwb_water_quality Hui O Ka Wai Ola Water Quality Data The goal of the Hui O Ka Wai Ola (Association Of The Living Waters) citizen-science based water quality program is to increase the capacity for monitoring water quality in Maui (2016-) and Lanai (2023-) coastal waters by generating reliable data to assess long-term water-quality conditions and detect temporal trends. These data augment the data produced by the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) Clean Water Branch (CWB) beach monitoring program.\n    \nData are collected and analyzed every two or three weeks for physical and chemical parameters, including ocean salinity, pH, temperature, organic nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous compounds), dissolved oxygen (DO), and total suspended sediment (TSS). Some water samples are immediately tested at mobile labs while others are processed for testing at University of Hawaii and/or other labs.\n\ncdm_data_type = Point\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nlocation_id (sampling site identifier)\nlocation_name\nsample_id (sample identifier)\nsession_id (sampling session identifier)\nwater_temperature (Celsius)\nsalinity (salinity PSU, 1)\nturbidity (turbidity NTU, 1)\nph (1)\noxygen (dissolved oxygen concentration, mg/L)\noxygen_saturation (dissolved oxygen saturation, %)\nnitrogen (total dissolved nitrogen, ug/L)\nphosphorus (total dissolved phosphorus, ug/L)\nphosphate (phosphorus as orthophosphate, ug/L)\nsilicate (ug/L)\nnitrate_nitrite (nitrate plus nitrite, ug/L)\nammonia (ug/L)\nqa_comments (quality assurance issues or comments)\n (external link) Hui O Ka Wai Ola hui_water_quality PacIOOS Nearshore Sensor 012: Kalama Beach Park, Maui, Hawaii The nearshore sensors are part of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) and are designed to measure a variety of ocean parameters at fixed points. nss_012 is located at Kalama Beach Park in Kihei along the south shore of Maui in the State of Hawaii. The sensor package is fixed to a mooring at about 1.5 meters depth. PacIOOS nearshore sensors monitor coastal water conditions to help provide early indications of potentially polluted run-off from storm drainage, sewage spills, and soil erosion from land-based waterways such as streams and other outflows that lead directly into the ocean.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (Distance below mean sea level, m)\nstation_name (station)\ntemperature (water temperature (processed), Celsius)\nsalinity (salinity PSU (processed), 1)\nturbidity (turbidity NTU (processed), 1)\nchlorophyll (chlorophyll (processed), ug/L)\npressure (water pressure (processed), dbar)\nsensor_depth (Sensor depth (processed), m)\nph (pH (processed), 1)\noxygen (dissolved oxygen concentration (processed), mg/L)\noxygen_saturation (dissolved oxygen saturation (processed), %)\ntemperature_raw (water temperature (raw), Celsius)\ntemperature_dm_qd (water temperature delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\nsalinity_raw (salinity PSU (raw), 1)\nsalinity_dm_qd (salinity PSU delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\nturbidity_raw (turbidity NTU (raw), 1)\nturbidity_dm_qd (turbidity NTU delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\nchlorophyll_raw (chlorophyll (raw), ug/L)\n... (14 more variables)\n (external link) Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) nss_012 PacIOOS Nearshore Sensor 013: Kahului, Maui, Hawaii The nearshore sensors are part of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) and are designed to measure a variety of ocean parameters at fixed points. nss_013 was located in Kahului Harbor on the north shore of Maui in the State of Hawaii. The sensor package was fixed to a piling at about 1.5 meters depth. PacIOOS nearshore sensors monitor coastal water conditions to help provide early indications of potentially polluted run-off from storm drainage, sewage spills, and soil erosion from land-based waterways such as streams and other outflows that lead directly into the ocean.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (Distance below mean sea level, m)\nstation_name (station)\ntemperature (water temperature (processed), Celsius)\nsalinity (salinity PSU (processed), 1)\nturbidity (turbidity NTU (processed), 1)\nchlorophyll (chlorophyll (processed), ug/L)\nsensor_depth (Sensor depth (processed), m)\nph (pH (processed), 1)\noxygen (dissolved oxygen concentration (processed), mg/L)\noxygen_saturation (dissolved oxygen saturation (processed), %)\ntemperature_raw (water temperature (raw), Celsius)\ntemperature_dm_qd (water temperature delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\nsalinity_raw (salinity PSU (raw), 1)\nsalinity_dm_qd (salinity PSU delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\nturbidity_raw (turbidity NTU (raw), 1)\nturbidity_dm_qd (turbidity NTU delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\nchlorophyll_raw (chlorophyll (raw), ug/L)\nchlorophyll_dm_qd (chlorophyll delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\n... (11 more variables)\n (external link) Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) nss_013 PacIOOS Water Quality Buoy 04: Hilo Bay, Big Island, Hawaii The water quality buoys are part of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) and are designed to measure a variety of ocean parameters at fixed points. wqb_04 is located in Hilo Bay on the east side of the Big Island. Continuous sampling of this area provides a record of baseline conditions of the chemical and biological environment for comparison when there are pollution events such as storm runoff or a sewage spill.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (Distance below mean sea level, m)\nstation_name (station)\ntemperature (water temperature (processed), Celsius)\nsalinity (salinity PSU (processed), 1)\nturbidity (turbidity FNU (processed), 1)\nchlorophyll (chlorophyll (processed), ug/L)\noxygen (dissolved oxygen concentration (processed), mg/L)\noxygen_saturation (dissolved oxygen saturation (processed), %)\nph (pH (processed), 1)\ntemperature_raw (water temperature (raw), Celsius)\ntemperature_dm_qd (water temperature delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\ntemperature_qc_agg (QARTOD Aggregate/Rollup Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_gap (QARTOD Gap Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_syn (QARTOD Syntax Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_loc (QARTOD Location Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_rng (QARTOD Gross Range Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_clm (QARTOD Climatology Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_spk (QARTOD Spike Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_rtc (QARTOD Rate of Change Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_flt (QARTOD Flat Line Test (processed), 1)\n... (94 more variables)\n (external link) Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) wqb_04 PacIOOS Water Quality Buoy 05: Pelekane Bay, Big Island, Hawaii The water quality buoys are part of the Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) and are designed to measure a variety of ocean parameters at fixed points. wqb_05 is located in Pelekane Bay near Kawaihae Harbor on the west side of the Big Island. Continuous sampling of this area provides a record of baseline conditions of the chemical and biological environment for comparison when there are pollution events such as storm runoff or a sewage spill.\n\ncdm_data_type = TimeSeries\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\ndepth (Distance below mean sea level, m)\nstation_name (station)\ntemperature (water temperature (processed), Celsius)\nsalinity (salinity PSU (processed), 1)\nturbidity (turbidity FNU (processed), 1)\nchlorophyll (chlorophyll (processed), ug/L)\noxygen (dissolved oxygen concentration (processed), mg/L)\noxygen_saturation (dissolved oxygen saturation (processed), %)\nph (pH (processed), 1)\ntemperature_raw (water temperature (raw), Celsius)\ntemperature_dm_qd (water temperature delayed-mode quality descriptor, 1)\ntemperature_qc_agg (QARTOD Aggregate/Rollup Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_gap (QARTOD Gap Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_syn (QARTOD Syntax Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_loc (QARTOD Location Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_rng (QARTOD Gross Range Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_clm (QARTOD Climatology Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_spk (QARTOD Spike Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_rtc (QARTOD Rate of Change Test (processed), 1)\ntemperature_qc_flt (QARTOD Flat Line Test (processed), 1)\n... (94 more variables)\n (external link) Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS) wqb_05

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